Adam Foster Apps

Stroboscopic Tuner Key 1.0
Adam Foster
The plus unlock key for the Stroboscopic Tunerapp( latest features will be available to users with this key. Oldfeatures will be rolled into the free version as new updates arereleased.Currently this will remove all ads and enable gestures andcolour picker.Please download the free Stroboscopic Tuner app first, and ifyou like it, purchase this application to remove all ads. You musthave the free version installed.Thank you for your support.
Juggle Live Wallpaper 1.04
Adam Foster
This live wallpaper show a person (ortwopeople) juggling colorful balls. The jugglers know how tojugglemany patterns (siteswaps) with three, four, five, six andsevenballs, and can toss balls to each other. They also knowbouncetricks and will perform seamless transitions between patternsandnumbers of balls.By default, there is one juggler in portrait mode and twoinlandscape, but this can be customized if you prefer acertainlayout.Free features:* 4 and 5 ball patterns* Custom juggler and background colors* Bounce tricks* Seamless pattern transitionsPlus features (in app purchase):* 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 ball patterns, all selectable* Multiplex patterns* Image backgrounds* No ads in settings screen
Spooner 1.0
Adam Foster
This is an app for finding spoonerisms.Aspoonerism is a play on words where the sounds of two wordsareswapped, for example "Three cheers for our queer old dean!"(dearold queen). They are frequently used humerously in jokes,forexample:Q: "What's the difference between the height of the hitparadeand slicing pies in half?"A: "One's the top of the charts and the other's the chop ofthetarts"To use, simply enter the word you want to spoonerize, and theappwill find all the spoonerisms involving that word. Long presson aresult to copy to your clipboard.Internet permissions are needed to connect to the databaseserverthat calculates the spoonerisms.
Stroboscopic Tuner 1.4
Adam Foster
A free strobe tuner (or stroboscopic tuner-see ) isamusical instrument tuner that works differently to other typeofelectronic tuners.To use the strobe tuner, select the desired note and observethepattern created when playing. Rotation indicates that the noteissharp (clockwise) or flat (anticlockwise). The faster therotation,the more out-of-tune. This rotation is very precise andgives amuch more accurate result when compared to ordinaryelectronictuners. Each ring on the disc corresponds to a partialabove thefundamental (the two inner rings are below thefundamental) and canbe used to tune instruments with manypartials.Configuration options* Note and octave selection* A4 = 440Hz (adjustable in fractions of a Hz)* Mask aperture size (to adjust the pattern clarity)* Noise threshold (to block out background noise)* Frequency Calibration (adjusts in 0.1c increments to aspecificdevice or instrument)* Auto-detect noteThis strobe tuner is not like some others around that "emulate"a"strobe display". This tuner has an internal model of virtualwheelsand flash lamps that actually perform the same process thata realstrobe tuner would do.This free app is ad supported, so internet access is required.Anunlock key is available on the market to remove ads, enablecolourpicking, and enable selecting of temperament (e.g. Equal,Just,Kirnberger, Werckmeister, Young). The free version must alsobeinstalled. Get itat contact me at if you haveanyquestions or find any bugs.